Can It Be Wrong To Do The Right Thing?
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Labels: america, good person, obedience
Why must the ”Right Thing” be religious based? Wrong is wrong in many different ways - morally and legally for only two. Why is a “squealer” a bad person? If I see my neighbors’ kids doing something wrong – destroying property, underage drinking, theft, or breaking curfew, I am told to mind my own business. Now I do – now I see nothing.
What is right and what is wrong is not religion based. It is the standards the creator of the universe and everything it as told us. What the church (religion) says is right and wrong is necessarily so.
There is only one source of right and wrong, and that is God.
If the civil government says something is wrong, for example going through a red traffic light, then it is wrong because God has said we are to obey the civil government, except if to do so contradicts God's law. The authority of civil law comes from God.
If we purchase a home that has a homeowner's association that sets rules for the homes in the association, then we are bound by those rules. To break one of the homeowner association rules (break our agreement) is wrong because God says it is wrong. The authority of God is behind that contract.
So there is only one source of what is right and wrong--God.
No where does God say being a "squealer" is wrong. If you are being a gossip, that is wrong. If you are not telling the truth, that is wrong. If your intent is to hurt someone, that is wrong.
However, your response depends on what is being done.
If the offense is against you (or your property) reporting someone who is intentionally destroying property is not wrong. The Bible does provide a way to report wrong-doing. First go to the person doing wrong (or in this case the parents). If that does not work, then go to the person doing wrong with a witness so that two people (or more) are bringing the report of wrong doing. If that does not work, go to the authorities (with at least one witness)... if they are a Christian that means their church. If they are not a Christian that means civil authorities.
1 Thessalonians 4:11,12 says: "Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you. So that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody."
The first part gives quidelines for living your life, but they are within a first century context. The second part gives the purpose, which is the same for all time. In your response to what is happening are you doing things such that you win the respect of your neighbors? You are showing love for your neighbors? Love does not mean to ignore wrong-doing, but it does mean responding in such a way that others will see Jesus Christ in you.
Methinks you ought to check out the contents of this website before you start telling the world about Christianity and Love.
There is not a shred of historical evidence to suggest that Christians are any more loving than anyone else.
How many millions were slaughtered in the wars that ruined much of Europe after the Reformation and the Catholic Counter-Reformation.
Slaughtered by true believers whose only (very superficial) difference was that they had a different understanding/interpretation of the Bible. Or crossed their heart with the left instead of the right hand.
Thank you for your comment anonymous... however you need to study history a little bit. Fiction just does not stand up to the historical facts. Christianity has been the greatest civilizing force throughout history. The greatest force for good throughout history. The greastest force for life throughout history. The greatest force for woman's rights throughout history. The greatest force for love throughout history.
The historical record shows that the belief system that has resulted in the most misery, oppression and death is atheism.
Yes, people start wars, and some of those people have called themselves Christians. But that does not mean those people were Christians. Or that they were representing the beliefs of Christianity. Unlike any other belief system, it takes more than calling yourself a Christian to make you a Christian.
What you are reading is progaganda written by those who do not want to accept the authority of their creator. Written to provide an excuse for those who do not want to be under the authority of their creator. But, finding comfort in a misrepresentation of history is not true comfort. You must still face judgment by your creator... and must still face the punishment for breaking his laws. Disobeying an eternal God results in an eternal penalty... the lake of fire known as hell. There is only one way to avoid the punishment you deserve (that we all deserve), and that is through the love of God. Seek that love.
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