How Did Paul Share The Gospel?
The book of Romans is essentially a record of what Paul was preaching. It starts with a presentation of the gospel.
Where does Paul start? God has a wonderful plan for your life? No. You have a God-shaped hole in soul? No. Paul starts with sin and God's anger at sin.
Verses 1:1 through 1:15 are greetings and an introduction. In verse 1:16 Paul states that he is not ashamed of the Good News (gospel).
Starting in verse 1:18 Paul talks about sin. He continues through verse 3:20. Only after he has completely discussed sin does he give the Good News about Jesus Christ in verses 3:21 through 3:28. That's 64 verses on sin and and 7 verses on salvation.
People don't know they are in need of a Saviour, until they know they are sinners; and know what sin is; and know how serious sin is.
Labels: gospel, witnessing
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